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Our Environmental Commitment Instanta is committed to protecting and preserving the natural environment for the benefit of future generations. To further this aim, we have operated a BSI accredited Environmental Management System to ISO14001 since 2004. This means that all processes at Instanta are constantly monitored so that we can reduce waste, save energy, minimise pollution and recycle wherever possible.

Our Products:

• Energy-saving ECO mode (CPF Series) For switching to half-tank volume on quiet days - this saves energy as less water is heated up

• Integrated 7-day timer (CPF Series) Allows the user to easily program when the boiler comes on and switches off optimising energy efficiency.

• Fully insulated tank (All models) Reduces stand-by heat-loss and improves economy.

• Products manufactured in an ISO 14001-accredited factory (All models).

• Robust and durable equipment, designed to be reliable and last (All models) By using high-grade materials and components throughout (type 304 & 316 stainless steel, thicker tank-wall, metal tap stem not plastic etc.), life-span of product is extended.

• Instanta have been accredited with ISO14001 for Environmental Management since 2004