Instanta join forces with Zip Water UK in ‘HYDRATE & DONATE’ charity challenge

This summer at Instanta, we’ve been busily raising money for three fantastic charities in a challenge dubbed ‘Hydrate & Donate’.
Together with our sister company Zip Water UK, our teams have been involved in a whole host of exciting events taking place across our three offices.
From bake sale competitions to dress down days, there’s been lots going on, but it’s all set to culminate this week when Zip’s cycling team complete a four-day, 350-mile charity bike ride.
Having set off from our factory in Southport, Merseyside, this Monday – after fuelling up on bacon butties – the team have travelled down to Zip’s head office in Dereham, Norfolk and are set to finish at Zip’s London office in Farringdon this Thursday.
Nine members of Instanta’s workforce even joined the Zip team for the first part of the cycle challenge, completing a 17-mile round trip back to the factory.
With Instanta and Zip’s combined efforts, we hope to reach our fundraising target of £5k, which will be equally split between the offices’ three chosen charities.
At Instanta, the team have nominated Queenscourt Hospice, which provides specialist end of life care to patients from Southport, Formby and West Lancashire.
Zip’s London office have opted for Cancer Research UK, which funds clinical trials to bring new cancer treatments to patients as quickly and safely as possible, while its Dereham office have chosen The Royal British Legion, which provides lifelong support for the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, Reservists, veterans, and their families.
You can keep an eye on the challenge’s progress on Twitter by searching #HydrateandDonate. And if you’d like to make a donation towards our teams’ efforts and help us raise some much needed funds for these great causes, our Virgin Money Giving page is still open at: