Small but mighty: Spotlight on the InstaTap
This week we’re shining a light on our popular range of InstaTaps. The sleek and specialised design of an under-counter boiler unit has successfully changed the way we think about instant boiling and chilled water systems in large commercial environments. Models can offer either instant boiling or chilled water, come in a range of under-counter tank sizes and all follow the same sleek chrome font design. So, whether you’re looking for a drinking water solution for an office, healthcare unit, sports venue or café, the InstaTap gives you impressive service without compromising on style.
Despite its space-saving, compact size, the InstaTap is capable of high capacity performance. The larger tank models are even capable of dispensing over 300 cups per hour for larger sites, such as hospitals or football grounds. Another real benefit of the InstaTap is the programmable and measured water delivery for fast and efficient service, while the electronic temperature control means every cup will reach users at their desired temperature.
The InstaTap’s discrete functionality and small tap size makes it perfect for customer-facing environments. Modest enough in design to suit both traditional and modern settings, the clean lines of the stainless steel and chrome font casing means an InstaTap can sit on any worktop without cluttering the surface. Not only does it look great, but the well-regarded safety features, including the fact that no loose parts exist above the counter, means it is ideal for even the most risk-averse of environments.
And, for those wondering about maintenance: removal and servicing is made easy by the use of an isolating valve that can be fitted between the font and the water source.
Whatever the requirement, there is an InstaTap to cater for your business. View the range.
If you have a question about the perfect system to meet all your instant drinking water needs, please drop our helpful customer service team a line.